Janette Lindesay is a climatologist at the ANU Fenner School of Environment and Society, and a member of the ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions.

She holds a PhD in statistical and dynamical climatology, and has worked in academic and research organisations in Australia, the UK and South Africa.

In addition to conducting wide-ranging research on aspects of climate variation and change and its impacts, she led development of environment and society undergraduate and postgraduate curricula at ANU for more than a decade.

Professor Lindesay convened and taught academic and professional programs and courses in climate science and climate change science and policy at ANU, and taught by invitation at the United Nations University in Tokyo. She holds a Visiting Professorship at the University of Tokyo and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (UK).

She has expertise in atmospheric science and weather systems; climate variability – including seasonal forecasting and climate drivers, e.g. the El Nino Southern Oscillation, Indian Ocean Dipole and Southern Annular Mode; climate change – including global heating mechanisms and progression; global heating impacts – particularly extremes including drought, floods and bushfires; and weather and climate modelling and prediction.

Professor Lindesay is an experienced communicator with particular skills in explaining complex atmospheric science and environmental concepts to non-specialists. Her media experience (print, radio, television and online) spans several decades.

Fields of expertise



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