Professor Katherine A Daniell is based at the 3A Institute in the ANU School of Cybernetics, and at the Fenner School of Environment and Society.

Katherine is a transdisciplinary academic who works across a variety of boundaries, including academic disciplines, sectors and cultures, including engineering, arts and public policy.

Her primary media work relates to: research and innovation cooperation between France and Australia, including in the Pacific and Europe; cybernetics and challenges of governing complex systems including future technologies like AI and the metaverse; comparative and integrated approaches to river basin management and water governance under pressures like demographic change, climate change and contested politics; future skills and transformational education including industry, policy and community engaged masters and PhD education.

She is interested in the human and environmental specifics of particular technologies and participatory/inclusive forms of governance, research and education.

Katherine’s current research work focuses on collaborative approaches to policy, action and education for sustainable development. In this field, she has recently worked in Europe and the Asia Pacific on projects related to international science and technology cooperation, water governance, risk management, sustainable urban development, politics and cultures of innovation and new technologies, and climate change adaptation.

Katherine has produced more than 100 academic publications including four books and a diverse range of book chapters, papers, reports and edited collections.

Fields of expertise



What is cybernetics? A crash course in cybernetics and why it matters

Cybernetics is not just about robots and artificial intelligence (AI), and whether humans will become cyborgs or if…

29 November 2022

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