Professor Lyndall Strazdins is a Professor at the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, and Director of Engaged ANU.

Professor Strazdins is a world-recognised leader in work, family and health. She has authored or co-authored more than 150 peer reviewed journal papers, commissioned reports, or discussion papers. She has been a lead or co-lead on competitive grants, consultancies and partnerships totalling $7.8 million, awarded an ARC Future Fellowship in 2011 and the EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie International Fellowship Seal of Excellence in 2017. Her papers have been ranked in the top published in their year in the work and family field.

Professor Strazdins leads research on time as a determinant of health. Lack of time is the most common reason for not eating healthy food or being physically active and her work shows why time is a problem and for whom. Most recently she has been using new methods to reveal the health harms of long work hours, which are also reinforcing gender inequity.

Fields of expertise



Men work out on time borrowed from women

Men appear to “borrow” free time from their female partners to keep up their exercise but women don’t…


Parents should be paid for lockdown learning

A leading expert from The Australian National University (ANU) is calling for more financial and other supports for families who conducted home…


Why men need to work like a woman

For too long we’ve been thinking about gender equality in the workplace as women ‘catching up’ with men;…

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